Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Green Grass

The grass is always greener in your neighbor's backyard. At 42 and yet-to-be-married, I always believed the old adage as I longed for prince charming, a white veil and a proverbial picket fence. But now as my physical vision fades, (News was recently delivered to me by a twenty-something, size 2 Optomotrist that I need Bifocals-oops, I'm digressing down that envy path again!) I see the tranquility of my single life clearer than ever. Several of my friends are now divorced. And others, while perhaps happy, acknowledge that marriage requires a good deal of work and an even greater amount of tolerance.

There's a lot to be said for enjoying the single life. I love doing what I want, when I want without reporting to anyone. I keep my house messy when I don't feel like cleaning and I am neat when the mood strikes me. And I can afford to buy myself jewelry!

Truth be told, I still look forward to falling in love and getting married. But I appreciate the beauty and simplicity of my life and just how green is my grass.

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